Graduate Business Recruiting Guidelines


Post Graduation Recruiting
(2nd-Year and 1-Year Students)

Internship Recruiting
(1st-Year Students)

Interview Schedule Requests

Companies may submit interview schedule requests beginning on July 15, 2024

Companies may submit interview schedule requests beginning on August 5, 2024

Resume Books

Companies may access the post graduation candidate search feature on DOME beginning September 2, 2024

Please note: We will also have resume books available for our Affinity Clubs available on DOME

Companies may access the internship seeking candidate search feature on DOME at the latest September 2, 2024

Please note: We will also have resume books available for our Affinity Clubs available on DOME

Recruiting Events

Companies may begin conducting recruiting events on
August 26, 2024

Companies may begin conducting recruiting events on August 26, 2024

On-Campus Interviews

Interviews for post graduation roles begin on
September 9, 2024

Interviews for internship roles begin on
January 13, 2025

Offer Deadlines

Post graduation offers should have a decision deadline of December 2, 2024 or two weeks from the offer date, whichever comes later.

Internship offers should have a decision deadline of February 24, 2025 or two weeks from the offer date, whichever comes later


Grade Disclosure

Mendoza students are not required to disclose their grades, GPA and/or GRE/GMAT information to prospective employers. However, it is the individual right of the student to disclose any aspect of their own academic performance to prospective employers or any other interested parties.

Scheduling Interviews

Companies are strongly encouraged to schedule both on- and off-campus interviews at times that do not conflict with a student’s academic schedule. We ask that two dates are provided for advanced round interviews to allow for coordination between their academics and interviews.

Extending Offers

Companies should communicate decisions to candidates in accordance with Mendoza’s key recruiting dates. Exploding offers do not give candidates an appropriate amount of time to make a decision and are therefore prohibited.

Withdrawing Offers

Once an offer (verbal or written) is made to a candidate, it cannot be withdrawn without being considered a violation of Mendoza’s Recruiting Policies. Any company considering rescinding an offer to a student should contact John Rooney at as soon as possible.

Reneging on Accepted Offers

Once a student has accepted an offer of employment, he or she is expected to honor that commitment. Reneging on an accepted offer is a violation of Mendoza’s recruiting policies. Each renege situation will be reviewed and, depending on the circumstances, the following penalties may be imposed:

  • Mandatory in-person meeting with the Director of Career Development

  • Student writes a letter of apology explaining reasons for his or her actions

  • Immediate loss of access to their recruiting platform and on-campus interviewing opportunities

End-of-Year Hiring Results

Companies are asked to provide Graduate Programs Career Development with information on offers made, offers accepted and salaries offered. This helps strengthen the relationship between Graduate Business Career Development and your company while facilitating our preparation of an accurate employment report at the end of each recruiting year.

Ethical/Legal Guidelines

Ethical and legal guidelines are expected to be followed during all phases of the recruiting process. Candidates should not be discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity, gender, marital status, age, creed, sexual orientation, disability or any other non-job-related factor.

Employment Outcome Reporting

Graduate Business Career Development follows the standards for reporting employment statistics recommended by the Career Development and Employer Alliance (CSEA).